
Daniel is unavailable, but you can change that!

Each volume of the Jimmy Swaggart Bible Commentary contains a detailed exposition of the Scripture and an easy-to-read commentary. Each passage is reviewed in its context and with its historical perspective, and the finished work of Christ is revealed from Genesis to Revelation. The work of the Holy Spirit is seen as never before as the Scriptures come alive for believers and their walk today!

land (including the West Bank) and especially the Temple site. The present Temple site (Dome of the Rock) is the third most holy place in the Muslim religion, with the other two being in Saudi Arabia. So, we have a juxtaposition! However, the Word of God tells us that the Temple will be rebuilt, and what the Word of God says will happen, will happen! THE FORMER SOVIET UNION I remember in years past, standing in front of television cameras many times, attempting to interpret Daniel’s Prophecies concerning
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